AssetFactor uses a three-tiered approach to storing and managing data. The first level, the Template, defines all the fields that will be used to store data. The fields defined in the template can then be used to create different Asset Types, or categories of assets (such as "Phones" or "Cars"). Individual Assets can then be logged in the system using one of your custom-made asset types.

The first step is deciding what data you want to record for all of your assets. Things like serial numbers, manufacturer names, sizes, colors, or dates of purchase might be the types of data you are interested in tracking. This first decision - what fields to include on all of your asset records, are defined in the template. 

Template Builder & Making your first template

From anywhere in the site, click on the Admin option in the sidebar, then choose Templates from the sub-menu options. 

On the Templates page, click the Add New button in the top right.

 Picking Your Template Fields 

The New Template page will first ask you to name your template. For many users, one template will be all you need to manage all of your assets, while for others, multiple templates can be used to capture different information for different Asset Types. 

Once you've chosen a name, click the Create button to see your list of field options.

The field selection screen is divided into two parts: Asset Type fields and Asset Level fields. Asset Type fields will be filled at the asset type or category level, while asset level fields are filled for each individual asset. For example, In our "Cars" template, we might create an Asset Type called "Camaros." When we set up our asset type, we will have certain information that is common to all Camaros, like that they are all manufactured by Chevrolet. In this case, we can make "Manufacturer" an Asset Type field, since every asset of type "Camaro" will have the manufacturer "Chevrolet." 

However, if we want to track the year, color, or VIN of our sweet fleet of Camaros, we would need to enter that data on a case-by-case basis, since that information is specfic to a single car, not a category of car models. These fields would be added as Asset Level fields, since their values will differ by asset.

There are certain fields enabled by default at both the Asset Type and Asset levels. In the Asset Type, these include Name, Example Image, and Keywords. For the Asset level, the default fields are Unique ID, Image, and Keywords. Note that these fields do not need to be used for every asset, it means they are available to every asset. Whether or not you choose to add Keywords to your Camaro asset type or to any individual Camaro is up to you; but you will always have the option to. 

Adding Custom Fields

In addition to the default fields, you can add as many extra fields as you want to either the Asset Type or Asset level. To add a new custom field, click on the type of field you would like to add to be taken to the options page for that field type. The available field types are:

Text field: The most common type, text fields can be filled with either a single line of text, a multi-line block of text, or a barcode field (which defaults to a barcode reader for input on the app). Text fields can also be given validation rules in the form of Regular Expressions (see for more).

Numerical field: accepts only numbers. These can be set to use decimals or currency formats.

Select field: creates a multiple-choice dropdown menu. This can be confgured to accept a single value or multiple values from the list of options you provide.

Datetime field: creates a clock and/or calendar pop up for choosing a date, time, or both. 

Boolean field: accepts only a true or false value.

Media field: allows you to upload voice recordings, images, or video.

Map field: uses the Google Maps API to create an interactive map for use with your asset form.

Section: strictly for presentation, adding a section to your form creates a divider between different fields for easier readabiltiy.

Each of these fields also has optional rules associated with it. You can decide which fields are required, and if any of them have minimum or maximum values or input lengths. Each field also has Help Text that you can add to help the user enter the correct data.

Arranging and Saving Your Template

Once your fields have been added, you can choose to move them around the list by clicking and dragging to a new position. Above, the custom field "Year" has been moved from the last field on the form to the spot right below the Keywords field. You can also choose to edit or delete any of your custom fields using the icons on the right. When everything looks good, click the Save button in the bottom right.

Congratulations, you just made your first Template!